More Frazzled Than Festive? Struggling with Storage?
No matter where you stand on the annual debate surrounding what time is the right time to begin decorating for the Holidays, the thought of actually digging through those boxes, left untouched for nearly a year, leaves many of us more frazzled than we are festive. I, for one, have had many a year where I just wanted to throw my hands up, grab a pine scented tree car freshener from the Dollar Store, tack it to the wall, and call it done!
Fortunately, there’s many a tip and trick to easing your way into the Holidays before you ever need to touch a Turkey or Tinsel!
The Game Plan
Start going through your decorations and yard pieces before it’s time to put them out. This includes getting ideas for where you’d like everything to go. This is especially helpful if you are in a new house or apartment for the season and don’t already have traditional places for your items. Organizing décor by room or area means that when it actually comes time to set things up, you can work room by room and not be digging through box after box looking for one particular piece.
I personally like to turn this into a pre-Holiday celebration of sorts. I que up something to get me in the spirit, such as a favorite Halloween movie (Hocus Pocus is a tradition at my house), or some Christmas tunes and a pine scented candle. I find it builds the excitement for the holiday without throwing everything out in September, (even though I’m all for making Christmas a year long thing. Eggnog in March? Yes please!)
Part of deciding where in your home those festive pieces will shine brightest is deciding what is getting temporarily relocated. Swapping out your normal dinner plates, dish towels, butter dish, and salt and pepper shakers, sets the tone for all the delicious baked goods soon to be made; but, what to do with your staple pieces? I myself don’t have a drawer to spare in my already too cramped kitchen and if I’m putting up a tree in the living room the ottoman needs to go. Attics and basements are popular placeholders but what if they aren't insulated or perhaps the insulation is exposed? Instead of shoving your items there and risk having them damaged or getting insulation in your furniture (which I can speak from experience is pretty uncomfortable) it’s worth looking into renting a small storage unit to house these items for the holidays.
Storage units can be a perfect solution when you need a little extra space. Places like StorPlace Self-Storage offer a wide variety of sizes great for storing a few boxes of temporarily displaced items or storage units large enough for the sections of couch moving out to make way for a beautiful voluminous tree!
Hide Those Presents!
Patience is a virtue that seems hardest to attain come the Holiday season. There’s an annual guessing game at my house where the night before we can pick up or shake gifts and try our best to deduce what is waiting for us behind the wrapping paper. The operative word there is, “paper.” Unwrapped presents have zero air of mystery and if someone knows what they’re getting, what’s the point of making them wait?
Keeping presents a secret until the reveal is almost a tradition in itself but I run out of places to hide them as seasons go by. Self-storage to the rescue again! After all, they can’t find presents in the house if they aren't there! Hold on a minute though, what about the new gaming system or SmartTV? You can’t put that in a garage in the freezing winter cold!
Never fear! StorPlace offers heated and cooled units in almost every size and with 18 locations in Middle Tennessee you are sure to find a facility close to home to keep those presents a secret until the very last moment!
Visit us on the web at to find a location near you and find out how we can help you relieve your holiday stress!
Storage solutions and tips for seamless decorating and gifting. Visit now to ease your holiday preparations!